Why is the volume of wireless handheld Microphone different from that of body pack transmitter?
Solutions to adjust the volume of wireless handheld microphone and body pack transmitter.
2018-11-01 Guangzhou Xunkong
The Control software of D3011 Media Matrix cannot be connected with the Matrix at all, why?
Solution to connect the control software with the Media matrix.
2018-11-01 Guangzhou Xunkong
Why does the volume of the microphone decrease a lot when the signal from the conference main unit goes through the feedback suppressor?
Why does the volume of the microphone decrease a lot when the signal from the conference main unit goes through the feedback suppressor?
2018-11-01 Guangzhou Xunkong
Why is the setting of the conference mode ineffective when using conference system with conference host extension?
how to connect the microphone of conference host extension to the host.
2018-11-01 Guangzhou Xunkong
Why does the microphone close automatically sometimes when wireless conference system starts?
solution to microphone auto power-off when used in wireless conference system
2018-11-01 Guangzhou Xunkong
Why does graphics quality decrease?
solutions to solve the problem of graphics quality decrease