Install Paperless Conference System for the Branch of People's Bank of China

2019-10-23 15:39:42 Xunkong

Xunkong has installed paperless conference system for the branch of People’s Bank of China. In the conference room, Xunkong offered the motorized LCD screens and microphones, featured conference system and display system equipment to make the conference room convenient and efficient for different meetings.

The conference system needs the Paperless conference software that is composed of server end and client end. Besides, running all over gigabit network environment, the paperless system provides powerful conference management functions, including the confirmation and release of conference information, agenda reminding, check-in, voting, screen sharing and marking the material of the conference, making notes, and asking for services during conference, such as a cup of tea , or a piece of paper or a pen, etc.

By using paperless conference system, it is beneficial to create a green, efficient and convenient modern paperless conference room.







